Health is a fundamental human right obligatory for the exercise of other human rights. The volume and dissemination of health professionals is the foremost ingredient of health care systems. Maldistribution of health workforce widen inequities in access to and quality of health services that lead to health care cost on the population. The distribution of doctors in Ghana is highly skewed, in favour of the major cities, and woefully numbers in remote and rural districts. The study compared the equitable distribution of Health Workforce in Dormaa East and Daffiama-Bussie-Issa Districts. The main objective of the study is to elicit whether there is equitable distribution of health workforce in the Dormaa East and Daffiama-Bussie-Issa Districts. Secondary and primary data was used and descriptive statistics was generated to explore the current status, recent trends in the number of skilled health professionals in these districts. The study employed a quantitative research method approach. The target population was health care providers and residence of these two district who aged 18 years and above. A sample of 398 (health seekers 278 and health workers 120) was recurited for the study. Administrative documents were reviewed for secondary data and questionaires administed for primary data. The findings of the study shows that, there are disparities in the composition of skills mix health workforce between Dormaa East District and Daffiama Bussie Issa District. Also, the study identified factors in these Districts that influence health workers stay or seek for transfer. The study concluded that, the distribution of health workforce in Dormaa East and Daffiama Bussie Issa District is inequitable with Daffiama Bussie Issa District being disadvantage.