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Informational and structural barriers to uptake of preventive behaviours among Healthcare workers working in both isolation and non-isolation sites during COVID 19 in Zambia

Published onJun 13, 2023
Informational and structural barriers to uptake of preventive behaviours among Healthcare workers working in both isolation and non-isolation sites during COVID 19 in Zambia

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the healthcare system from changes in service delivery to staff shortages. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 due to the nature of their jobs. The need to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19 and spreading it to their patients has been recognised, however, there is little research, specifically on what knowledge, skills, or materials they need to protect themselves and their patients.We aimed to explore (HCWs) ‘perspectives on their knowledge and skills needs, their attitudes towards, and their ability to practice preventive behaviours in the context of COVID-19 in Zambia.We purposively recruited 20 HCWs for in-depth interviews (IDIs) via phone.10 from an isolation facility and 10 from a non-isolation facility. HCWs had varied information on how COVID-19, is transmitted, managed, and prevented. Training topics differed from the two facilities with those from isolation facility being trained on oxygen therapy, infection prevention practices, donning and doffing and admission of critically ill patients while those from non-isolation did not receive training on oxygen therapy and admission. Facility changes such as increased staffing, outdoor screening tents, temperature checks helped reduce the spread in the facilities. HCW continued to practice infection prevention to protect themselves from COVID-19 but faced challenges of insufficient, supplies and equipment to meet prevention needs and treat COVID-19 patients and NCD patients.HCW also mentioned the emotional stress of treating patients especially during the surge, where they felt overwhelmed and anxious handling patients and felt the need to have mental health services offered to them. They recommended that for them to be adequately protected they needed an adequate and consistent supply of well-fitting PPE, tests kits and medication for comorbid diseases like diabetes and hypertension and availability of products to enhance infection prevention control such as running water, soap, hand sanitisers, and gloves. Evidence suggests that all HCWs need continuous training, as COVID-19 evolves. There is a need for a supply of quality well-fitting PPE, more rapid test kits and a sufficient supply of medication for comorbid diseases will also aid in ensuring a reduction in transmission of COVID-19 in facilities.

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